"Let's Move It" Dalcroze Eurythmics Workshop音樂工作坊

時間:1800 - 2100
地點:本校地址 (L306b, Leung King shopping plaza, Tuen Mun)
付款方法: 請到本校付款或轉帳到中銀帳户: 012-794-1-020749-9 ( Duett Academy of Music )
請 Whatsapp 入數紙到 91418171
- 認識達克羅士教學法;
- 感受創意音樂律動(Dalcroze Eurhythmics) 對身體的回應及配合;
- 如何透過音感遊戲更生動學習音樂元素;
- 即興創作在樂器和鋼琴教學上的應用;
- 講解達克羅士考試及証書制度。
* 名額有限,報名從速
* 請穿著輕便裝方便進行互動
Jerison Harper Lee
來自新加坡的 Jerison畢業於瑞士日內瓦達克羅士學院(Institur Jaques-Dalcroze),除修習體態律動、音感訓練、即興創作三大達克羅士重點外,亦同時研究古典鋼琴及現代舞,他為澳洲達克羅士協會之導師並持有合資格Dalcroze License,常於澳洲、馬來西亞、泰國等地方作導師培訓,其演出亦遍佈蘇格蘭、瑞士、法國、摩洛哥、日本等。Jerison亦為Singapore National Youth Orchestra, National University of Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Youth Winds, Braddell Heights Symphony and Singapore Police Force Band 成員之一。
<"Let's Move It" Dalcroze Eurythmics Workshop>
Dalcroze Eurhythmics, also known as the Dalcroze Method or simply eurhythmics, is one of several developmental approaches including the Kodaly Method, Orff Schulwerk and Suzuki Method used to teach music to students.
Date: 2 Jan, 2017 (Fri)
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Tickets: $350
Location: Duett Academy of Music (L306b, Leung King shopping plaza, Tuen Mun)
Payment Method:
A) Bank-transfer Procedure
1. Please transfer the payment to BANK OF CHINA account: 012-794-1-020749-9 ( Duett Academy of Music )
2. Then send us a copy of the bank transfer slip by Whatsapp to 91418171
Seats are limited! Apply TODAY to experience the fun in Dalcroze Eurythmics!
Jerison Harper Lee received his Bachelor of Arts in Music and Movement from Institut Jaques Dalcroze, Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève. He studied piano under Christine Guye and Sergio De Los Cobos. He studied Dalcroze Eurhythmics with internationally renowned Dalcroze teachers which include Silvia Del Bianco, Sylvie Morgenegg, Gabi Chrisman, Ruth Giannada, Madelaine Duret, Jean-Marc Aeschimann, Laurent Sourisse, Pascal Chenu, Annabelle Joseph, Herbert Henke, Stephen Moore, Stephen Neely, Leslie Upchurch, Nicole Brockmann, etc. A native Singaporean, Jerison’s music education was shaped by well known teachers in Singapore.
Since young, Jerison has performed on international stages which includes Scotland, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Switzerland, France and Monaco as a young artist. Throughout his years of performing, Jerison was member of the Singapore National Youth Orchestras and National University of Singapore Symphony Orchestra as a harpist, the Philharmonic Youth Winds, Braddell Heights Symphony and the Singapore Police Force Band as a clarinetist. He was also an active chorister in the Metro Philharmonic Youth Choir singing the tenor part. Jerison has over ten years of teaching experience. He began teaching as a band conductor before giving studio lessons. Jerison believes in creativity and bringing out the natural musical talent of each student.
Most recently, Jerison has begun pursuing two master degrees; Master in Music Pedagogy orientation Jaques Dalcroze in Institut Jaques Dalcroze, Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève and Master in Music Education with Kodàly emphasis in Silver Lake College, Manitowoc where he is studying under Kodàly specialists which include Sr. Lorna Zemke, Dr. John Feierabend, Dr. Brent Gault, Dr. Frank Gallo, and Prof. Gerald Joseph . Jerison continues to search for methodologies to enhance his teaching. Jerison currently resides in Geneva, Switzerland.
Duett Academy of Music
Tel: 2327 2221